The Heartwarming Story About the Single Mom of Five Winning Big

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  • Author:
    Shaun Greer
  • Published:

Here’s another feel-good story about a single mother of five whose life was changed forever by a Powerball jackpot.

In the historical library of heartwarming Powerball stories, there is one that continues to draw attention and get coverage in even today's headlines. A single mom of five’s tale may be one of the best examples of positive thinking, laws of attraction, and good old-fashioned luck. From a series of incredible hardships, Cynthia Stafford rose to big things when her numbers matched that one fateful day. And it’s a rags-to-riches story that will likely have you cheering in the end.

Unfortunate Circumstances & Hardships

Cynthia Stafford’s brother had been killed by a drunk driver. She was already financially strapped and helping their father cope when she decided to take in her brother’s five children. Together, the newly blended family all scrambled to make ends meet in their 1,000-square foot house. Things were so dire that there came a heartbreaking point when she was faced with potentially giving up the children to the foster care system in the hopes of a better life for them. Times couldn't have been harder, and things seemed to be rock-bottom for this single mom.

The Power of Suggestion & Laws of Attraction

One day, as the reports tell it, Stafford dreamt of winning the jackpot, and not just any amount. She specifically had a $112 million cash out in mind. It was 2004 when that magical number popped in her head, and she set out on a path to mentally work towards landing $112 million. You’ve likely heard of people using the power of suggestion to bring fruition to their dreams. Stafford played that number over and over in her mind and began seeking out superstitious methods to bring her fortune. She even slept with a note under her pillow with $112 million scribbled on it. She meditated, much like athletes do, visualizing herself winning it big, paying off all those nagging bills, and brightening the future for her brother’s five children.

The Year Her Magic Number Came to Life

In January of 2007, Cynthia Stafford’s magic numbers came to life when she bought a Powerball ticket and played the numbers that randomly came to her mind that day. She says it’s the law of attraction, positive thinking, and prayer that made it all happen. After all, the Powerball jackpot she actually scored was worth $112 million, the same number that she'd slept with under her pillow for years. Those three years of hoping and buying Powerball tickets every month paid off for Cynthia and her family.

What This Single Mom of Five Did with Her Winnings

As you can imagine, Cynthia Stafford used some of her Powerball jackpot to pay off bills. In addition to taking care of those family finances, she bought a Mercedes-Benz R-Class, donated to charity, and set up five college funds for each of the children. She also started her own film company called Queen Nefertari. Following another dream, Stafford was able to pursue her career passion in movies. Her current net wealth is $20 million, and she’s known for productions of The Brass Teapot (2012), The Inheritance (2011), and Polish Bar (2010). She continues to produce today and uses her wealth and position across a variety of philanthropic outlets.

Cynthia Stafford now also hosts an online talk show called the “Hearts of Angels Network,” where she discusses important charities in Los Angeles. And she still buys Powerball tickets every week, just in case her luck and destiny have her in store for another big win. Facing depression, losing her house, and giving up her brother’s children, the power of positivity and maybe some good old-fashioned luck saved the day. Stafford says every person has a chance, and “one must trust and believe.”