Winning in Retirement: 6 Stories of Retirees Hitting the Powerball Jackpot

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  • Author:
    Shaun Greer
  • Published:

While you probably hope to win the jackpot in your prime, there are countless stories of Powerball winners who are already in retirement.

Anyone can play, and anyone can win. And it’s maybe one of the reasons you play Powerball yourself. Powerball doesn’t discriminate, and there couldn’t be a more even playing field, especially when it comes to the age ranges of the players. From college students to senior citizens, Powerball has touched the lives of many. Today, we’ll take a closer look at a few Powerball winners over the age of 65, proving winning in retirement can be life-changing, too.

A 20th Wedding Anniversary Win

Last year, Bill Lawrence, a Sacramento area native, was surprised to learn his Powerball ticket matched all the numbers. He had very recently celebrated his 20th wedding anniversary with his wife and also scheduled a travel vacation to commemorate the event. But with an extra $150 million coming their way, the Lawrence’s would be able to travel for the rest of their retirement seeing the world.

A Retirement of Fun and Travel

David Yax found himself the winner of Erie County, New York’s largest jackpot last September. Yax checked his ticket first thing in the morning and immediately woke his wife with the news. His $80 million jackpot came as a surprise, and Yax told the media, “our lives have changed 100%!” Winning in retirement meant big things for the couple. Yax contacted his financial advisor, and said he planned to establish a trust and use his winnings to invest. He also said the couple planned to travel and “just have fun.”

Grandpa Wins $344 Million with Fortune Cookie Numbers

A Cumberland County, North Carolina grandpa, came forward with all the winning numbers on his Powerball ticket. Charles Jackson, Jr. won the $344.6 million jackpot, and as of June 2019, he was the largest winner in the state’s history and claimed to have selected those numbers based on the lucky numbers provided in his recent fortune cookie. With all that extra cash, this grandfather would certainly enjoy the rest of his retirement, planned to donate to several local charities, and probably spoil his grandchildren.

The Same Numbers for 25 Years Finally Pays Off

A 67-year-old Bailey, New York man, came forward to claim one of the largest Powerball jackpots in the state’s history. Robert Bailey matched all six numbers drawn. But he also admitted that he’d been playing Powerball for more than 25 years, each game selecting the same roster of numbers. His patience and loyalty to his chosen digits finally paid off, to the tune of $343.8 million.

Father Knows Best and Wins Big

Tayeb Souami had been playing for more than 20 years when his Powerball numbers finally matched. This New Jersey retiree took the cash payout totaling $183.2 million of the original $313.3 jackpot. Buying his winning ticket at his regular shopping spot, Souami said his son had been preaching for him to stop playing and wasting his money, almost certain he would never win. This Powerball win proved the old adage that father knows best. And in this case, Souami earned “I told you so” bragging rights with a loaded bank account.

Loved Ones’ Birthdays Turn into a Powerball Jackpot

A Denver area woman, who had been playing the same numbers for 30 years, won the Powerball jackpot worth $133.2 million. Judy and her husband Mack had been picking special numbers representative of their children and loved ones' birthdays, even before Powerball was around, with the belief those dates would be significant enough to win big. With those family members around her as she collected her giant check for the media, someone asked if she was retired. Her response was classic, “as of six-o’clock Sunday morning, I am!”

These Powerball winners prove that winning in retirement is a real phenomenon. Powerball really is anyone’s game, and maybe winning after you’ve retired just means more time to enjoy your wealth.