Can You Be Disqualified from Winning Powerball?

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  • Author:
    Shaun Greer
  • Published:

Playing Powerball is easy, so long as you don’t violate these Powerball rules that might get you disqualified from a Powerball prize.

Imagine with us for a moment that you’re standing in your living room, watching the evening news, reading off the Powerball numbers from the night’s drawing, and comparing them to your ticket in hand. With each drawn number, you grow more excited. The numbers are lining up in your favor. And you realize you’ve matched enough to win a Powerball prize. You're over-the-top jazzed! Whether it’s a $50,000 prize or the multi-million-dollar jackpot, it’s a big deal. But what if something went wrong, and you’re somehow disqualified from winning?

Powerball players, especially those who’ve managed to match numbers for the first time, always have questions. And there’s a little anxiety about what to do next. No one wants to accidentally (or purposefully) make a wrong move and accidentally be disqualified from winning.

But breathe easy. Everything about Powerball is simple, including understanding the rules. Here’s the rundown of potential hiccups that could result in ineligibility.

The Age Requirements

There aren’t many regulations governing Powerball play. But one that is most notable and that is universal is the age requirement. Powerball players must be 18, at least, to play or come forward and claim a prize. If you try to come forward with a winning ticket and are under 18, you and your ticket will be disqualified.

Conspired in Fraud

Another scenario in which your Powerball ticket could be deemed invalid involves fraud. If you or anyone else conspired in fraud to obtain a winning ticket, it can be ruled invalid. And in some cases, investigations are required to determine if malfeasance occurred. For instance, there was a California man who came forward claiming the $2.04 billion Powerball winner stole the ticket from him. Upon investigation, the accuser was found to have been mistaken, confirming the original ticket holder’s right to the massive prize.

In another instance where fraud was found to have occurred, a father and his two sons faced fraud and money laundering charges related to Powerball. The trio’s miraculous winning luck allowed them to claim $21 million in prize money before they were investigated for fraud. Over the course of nine years, the father and two sons cashed in more than 14,000 lottery tickets as part of a fraud scheme to avoid paying taxes.

State-Specific Regulations

Aside from the two major disqualifications of age and fraud, there are other regulations to note, as defined by each participating Powerball state. For example, in New Hampshire, the State Lottery Commission says any alterations to the back of a winning ticket, like signing your name, could disqualify the ticket itself. Other rules include Florida’s, where convicted felons are not prohibited from playing Powerball or claiming cash prizes.

Know the Rules Before You Play

The best way to avoid disqualification from Powerball, either in play or in collecting your prize money, is to know your state’s laws and regulations before you play. Visit your state’s Powerball rules and FAQs online. Make sure you recognize any additional stipulations that might determine how to come forward and claim a prize. Ask questions now, before you become a winner, so you have a total understanding of what to do (and what not to do.)

So, if you’re standing in your living room, jumping for joy with a winning Powerball ticket in hand, continue to celebrate. As long as you’re not in violation of the age requirements, are free of fraudulent activity, and align with any other state-specific rules that may apply, you won’t be disqualified from collecting your prize!

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