Everything You Need to Know About Playing Powerball Online

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  • Author:
    Shaun Greer
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Explore everything today’s Powerball players need to know about playing and potentially winning entirely online.

We’re often sharing Powerball winner stories about last-minute, impulse ticket purchases at the local convenience store that resulted in jackpot wins. And there are thousands of authorized Powerball retailers across the country, making in-person Powerball gameplay super easy and fun. However, did you know that you could play Powerball online and enjoy the same fun and odds of winning as in-person play? Today, we’re sharing everything you need to know about digital Powerball. Learn how easy and fun it is to play Powerball entirely online with this guide.

Online Powerball play is governed from state to state

Currently, online Powerball play is limited to availability in certain states that honor and recognize online gameplay. Georgia, Illinois, Kentucky, Michigan, New Hampshire, North Carolina, North Dakota, Pennsylvania, Virginia, and Washington DC offer Powerball tickets either online or through the respective lottery’s mobile apps. If you don’t reside in one of these states, and your URL will tag your location during purchase, you might be out of luck.

Start by setting up your online account

Playing Powerball online is super easy and convenient. Start by accessing your participating state’s website or mobile app. Create an online account for yourself, establishing a username and password you’ll protect and save. The site will likely require an age verification step, ensuring you’re at least 18 years old. Some states may enforce a short waiting period to verify your identity, but most approve immediately. Once verified, you can proceed to purchase your online Powerball ticket!

Purchasing Powerball tickets online

Now that your online account is set up purchasing tickets is the next step. There are many ways to enable point-of-sale purchases for online Powerball playing. You can opt to enter your personal debit card information or choose to have purchases come out of your bank account directly.

Some states allow Powerball ticket purchases to be made with a credit card. But you’ll want to check if your state prohibits credit card use. Additionally, some online payment platforms allow players to connect PayPal or Venmo accounts.

Securing your digital Powerball ticket

When playing Powerball online, you’ll get to have fun choosing your numbers just like you would with an in-person buying experience. Also, you’ll have the option to Quick Pick, having numbers generated for you when playing online. And once you finalize your ticket purchase, with or without the Power Play multiplier, a digital Powerball ticket with your selected numbers will be emailed to you using whatever email address you used to establish your profile account.

Collecting your winnings using online Powerball play

If your numbers match the numbers drawn, your winnings will be deposited into the account that you entered when you set up your online account. Powerball winners are notified via email that their ticket was a winner. And just like with in-person winners, small prize amounts can be collected online while larger prizes or the jackpot must be verified and collected with local lottery headquarters. And online play does not exempt winners from tax burdens to their state or the Internal Revenue Service.

Play responsibly online

Because online Powerball tickets are so easy to access and buy, it can be tougher to stick to your budget. Remember to stick to your plan and never overspend beyond your financial limits. And while the one-click purchase can seem effortless, it’s still costing you $2 per play and $1 for the added Power Play multipliers.

Mobile and online play makes it easier than ever for players to enjoy and participate in playing Powerball. It offers on-the-go play options for players and is just another reason why so many people enjoy getting in on the Powerball action every week!